

Шкіряні портпледи, текстильні чохли, дощовики та сумки



Шкіряні портпледи, текстильні чохли, дощовики та сумки

Parasol'ka захистить одяг та настрій незалежно в будь якій точці Світу


  • Raincoats for her

    • Designer raincoats that will protect your clothes and mood from bad weather.• Raincoats from Parasol'ka are a combination of elegance, sophistication and aesthetics with functionality and the ability to be protected and have a stylish look.• It doesn't matter whether you are wearing a business suit, a dress or comfortable jeans, be ready for compliments.

  • Raincoats for her

    • Designer raincoats that will protect your clothes and mood from bad weather
    • Raincoats from Parasol'ka are a combination of elegance, sophistication and aesthetics with functionality and the ability to be protected and have a stylish look.
    • It doesn't matter whether you are wearing a business suit, a dress or comfortable jeans, be ready for compliments